Depression Is A White Man’s Disease??

The upside to living in a liberalist society is that most things… in fact thanks to social media everything is pretty much up for discussion. I mean nothing unites a diverse group of people like a trending hashtag…. #GOALS #NO FILTER #OOTD.  And if you are as nosy as me then you’re probably grateful to apps like Snapchat that indulge our need to know what’s going on in each others lives. SOO it is safe to say we live in a society that pretty much shares everything. But why is it that amongst all this openness we are still taught to speak about certain subject in hushed voices.


Yes, I said it.. it’s real and to all the black people reading this NO! its not a white mans disease. We are okay with talking about most things… sorry I mean EVERYTHING; which makes me wonder why mental illness is still such a taboo.

I recently came across a group of professionals, called the Breaking Mad Team speaking about mental illness within the black community, and as you can imagine I was extremely inspired by this. The aim is to break the stigma that is attached to mental illness i.e. mental illness means you hear voices or see things that aren’t there.  The Breaking Mad Team want to challenge our perception of what it means to be mentally ill in this day and age. In doing so , they want to make mental illness something that is openly discussed , almost as much as we openly discuss #RelationshipGoals

Please check out their Video and don’t forget to subscribe

Till Next Time


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